Kultura zamlade.net

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Fellowships are awarded, without regard to nationality, to qualified persons doing bot advanced creative and scholarly work in the following disciplines: archaeology, architecture, classics, dance, film/video, history, landscape architecture, literature, music, philosophy, theatre, visual arts without regard to nationality, age, race, or gender.

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World Nomads is inviting aspiring travel filmmakers, from any nationality, to a 10-day filmmaking trip to Malaysia, under the mentorship of professional documentary filmmaker Jenny Nichols.

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Join us and enjoy on our polish intercultural evening!

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On 12th of July we had our first intercultural evening, our volunteer duo from Vukovar- Nikola and Igor has prepared us a night to remeber!

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Young people worldwide, from 18 to 30 years old (on 28 July 2019), are invited to create a maximum three-minute video in one of the following categories: