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Kao dio projekta ActivN(G)O financiranog iz programa Fonda za aktivno građanstvo u Hrvatskoj imali smo priliku na razini projektnog partnerstva posjetiti Svelgen, Norvešku i upoznati se s njihovom metodologijom rada s djecom i mladima.

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Od 18. veljače do 23. veljače 2023. godine u Orahovici održavao se Sportsko - edukacijski kamp u sklopu projekta ActivN(G)O koji je okupio 74 djece i mladih

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The EU Agency for Mobility and Programs calls on you to present the European Solidarity Force Program and the Solidarity Project Writing Workshop. The workshop is intended for all organizations as well as young people (18-30 years old) interested in learning about the capabilities of the European Solidarity Force program and to gain insight into the application and implementation of Solidarity Projects in their communities. During the workshops, EU Agency and Mobility Agency staff will advise on concrete ideas for Solidarity Projects that applicants would implement in their local communities. The duration of the workshops is six hours.

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The Heinrich Böll Foundation grants scholarships to approximately 1,000 undergraduates, graduates, and PhD students of all subjects and nationalities per year, who are

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"Where are you going, youth?” is an international youth conference about recent issues concerning young people taking place on 22 November 2019 in Hungary.
The Quo Vadis, Iuvenis? conference invites young people to contribute with fresh, provocative, yet scholar like ideas to