Volinterka Megija Purina dijeli svoja iskustva volontiranja na projektu Summer games 2018.
My journey started on 11st of July when I arrived to Vukuvar. I am really glad that I came here, because this is a wonderful place. Vukovar has given me 11 new friends all over the Europe.
I was volunteering for YPGD( Youth Peace Group Danube) for 52 days in this summer. I can say for sure that this summer was the best summer of my life. And here are the reasons why:
1. I met a group of amazing international people;
I got acquainted with different cultures, beliefs, traditional foods, dances, music.
2. I worked with kids on Ada island, playground, YPGD;
working with kids was our daily duties, we prepared creative workshops, played sport games and we just spend a really good time all together.
3. I experienced Balkan Culture;
Every weekend we traveled around, so I had chance to met local people from Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovenia. We hitchhiked and that way I met a lot of people from all over the world.
4. I challenged myself and learned how to overcome problems;
self-development is one of the best things what I have lerned during my EVS. we not only worked with kids but promote our events too, I had to speak with locals on street, in the beginning and I felt uncomfortable with that, but I did my best and I in the end it was enjoyable.
5. I accepted myself as I am and I cultivated my spirit;
Living toghether with two girls, not my parents or friends, made me more independent, I had to manage my money, my spare and duty time, time here opened my eyes about future possibities and what person I want to become.
I am very grateful to YPGD for creating a project like this for us. I found out so many new things and visions about life that I will later use for myself.
Megija Puriņa