Virjona Zana is writing piše nam o svojim avanturama s projekta Summer games 2018
Greetings from Vukovar!
I am vivid (!) Virjona, one of the twelve volunteers of Summer Games 2018 that are taking place in Croatia for one more summer from July to August. I am the Greek volunteer and i have been here since the 3rd of July.
So if you ask for my experience so far here it is:
At first, i remember the two first weeks as more cognitive and focused on familiarizing volunteers with each other and also with the staff of YPGD and Vukovar itself. Cool people cool days! Full of energizers, plans, laughters, new faces, new names, new stories, new everything!
It seemed like a pretty wonderful and meaningful summer was about to begin for us..
And it sure did..summer games activities officially started and the rest of the volunteers and me started executing our organised activities in YPGD club, playground and Ada the Danube's island. Face and body painting, social board games, survivor's games, hidden treasure game, art crafts making and drawing, lots of tournaments, zumba dancing and many many more...Some of them well organised and prepared, some them at least we tried..!
The most important part was the engaging of youth and that they were open to communicate with us in every possible way. I have to notice here that the English level and accent of a great deal of Vukovar's children were impressively high! Well done there!
Apart from our morning/noon responsibilities we were heroes of the evening events taking place here too. We cooked, ate and danced a lot. People came to meet our cultures as presented from us, so the responsibility we felt was high. It was so fun though. Each of us hosted their evening and everything had to be perfect...and they actually were because we were all together...ooooh we connected so much..deeper with some or more superficially with doesn't matter.. We all came here for different purposes but we lived as partners to the same reality. One of a kind one of them that you love to hate or hate to love...(!)
My advise to people out there is to go do EVS projects because in any case, you put yourself in different situations which while trying to overcome things you are approaching more your original thoughts and personality and you connect better with yourself which makes you the winner afterall. Plus, you get the chance to meet people from different countries, different ages, different field of expertises and you get so surprised and excited about the common places you find with them. I should confess that the best part is getting your invitation for visiting your new friends' countries and you get the feeling you have open house waiting for you forever. So here i am leaving Vukovar cherishing all the moments deep in my heart and already missing people...
Virjona Zana